Farewell to George

On the 24th January 2020 Breathe said it’s final farewell to a much loved member of our community in Penzance. George was a regular, daily regaling us with stories and songs of his amazing life in the entertainment industry after the second world war, and his life saving adventures rescuing people after air raids around London. His work with computers was at the cutting edge of the technology but left him vowing to never touch one again!! He lost his wife 5 years before and carried on valiantly overcoming every weakness and disability he suffered.

He was a real inspiration to everyone who met him and such a charmer and a great entertainer. He would often sing us a song as he was leaving and leave us wondering about the people who had crossed his path. He did lighting for Norman Wisdom, danced with Diana Dors, met Laurel and Hardy, and many more…. He even helped Aneurin Bevan campaign as an MP with the promise of the NHS on the horizon.

We are much better for knowing and loving dear George. Through all his time at Breathe he was also on a spiritual journey and met with God, received prayer and we believe was a follower of Jesus. He bless him on his onward journey where, free from disability, will be (in his own words) ‘soaring above the clouds!’ unhindered by bad eyesight poor hearing or failing limbs! Please also remember the friends and family he leaves behind as they mourn his passing.